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Frankie Entwistle

Frankie is OneFamily’s Digital Content Lead. Having worked at OneFamily for more than two years, she has a wealth of knowledge across our suite of products and is a firm believer that investing should be an option for everyone.

Drawing on her Master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction Design (City, University of London), Frankie aims to produce content that is straightforward and understandable, and covers issues such as personal finance, saving and budgeting, and making the most of investment products.

Frankie has extensive writing experience across many disciplines and has previously had work published in the Hedge Fund Journal, Dezeen, the Health Service Journal and Nursing Times.

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Government saving scheme offers savings top-ups for people on low incomes

28 June 2024

People receiving Universal Credit, Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit may be able to claim a savings top-up from the UK government.

Can sustainable investing help fight climate change?

28 June 2024

When investors choose sustainable funds, they’re telling companies that more ethical business models are more likely to win investment.

Taking a gap year: tips for traveling on a budget

20 September 2023

Taking a break from education to travel can have huge benefits. It’s an opportunity not just to see the world, but to make your own decisions and, crucially, manage your own budget.

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Ines Pena

Ines, OneFamily’s Digital Content Executive, joined three years ago with extensive writing experience across multiple industries.

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