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Personal finance support

If you're struggling to manage your personal finances or just need some extra support, there may be help available.

Read about the government schemes and benefits that many of our customers are entitled to. We've broken down what's on offer to help you understand what you could claim and how to do so.

What is a no deposit mortgage and how does it work?

Skipton Building Society has launched a mortgage that doesn’t need a guarantor or a deposit. But is it right for you?

The lifetime cost of owning a pet

Pets can bring a lot of joy into our lives but keeping them happy and healthy requires some financial planning.

Millions in the UK choosing not to have a funeral to save money

Our research shows that almost 3 million people over the age of 50 in the UK don’t plan to have a funeral. Find out why and how life insurance could help.

Government saving scheme offers savings top-ups for people on low incomes

People receiving Universal Credit, Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit may be able to claim a savings top-up from the UK government.