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Blogs from OneFamily's Leadership team

Read thought-provoking blogs from the senior team at OneFamily. We discuss the issues that affect your personal finances, your rights and what we're doing to positively impact our communities.

Brighton and Hove Pride parade

Crowd out bigotry with fabulousness and joy

After a long two years of waiting, Brighton & Hove finally got to celebrate Pride in all its sparkliest and most fabulous of costumes.

Aerial view of Liverpool buildings

Boldness, creativity and a mutual mindset – the driving force that’s needed right now

Mutuals were the original crowd-funders – helping members provide for the future, regardless of their financial position.

Inspiring better futures for the next generation

People are struggling, and it looks like it is the youngest generation who are going to feel the consequences for years to come.


Under 40s choosing between marriage, home and children

Recent research by OneFamily found that more than two thirds of under 40s are choosing between marriage, buying a home and having children.

Financial inclusion – simple products and education

Financial inclusion – simple products and education In my previous article, I asked the question “why don’t smaller […]

Small plant growing out of a jar of money

Why don’t smaller savers invest their money?

Why is it that the majority of the UK population still holds its savings in accounts that are devaluing their balances by the day?

How being bold will help the homeless

How being bold will help the homeless If you work in Brighton, as I do, you can’t help […]

A mother and daughter standing side by side, laughing. A golden sky sets behind them.

My letter to the Chancellor

Our CEO, Teddy Nyahasha, has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Two women sitting on a beach, facing away, resting on one another.

Doing what’s right

I think the mutual sector might be having a bit of a moment.