How to open a OneFamily Lifetime ISA

Your first step is simply to choose which of our two funds you'd like to invest in. The details of both are below. If you change your mind later on, you can switch at any time, free of charge.

Once you've decided, click on the apply button at the bottom of the page and you'll be taken to a short application form. This should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and will bring you a step closer to buying your first home.

Our Lifetime ISA invests in stocks and shares. Investments can go down as well as up in value so you could get back less than you put in.

Don't forget, if you withdraw money for anything other than your first home deposit, you'll have to pay a withdrawal penalty fee (unless you've turned 60 when you can withdraw money for anything you like).

*UK Sustainable Investment Labels

"Sustainable Investment Labels" have been introduced to help investors find products that have a specific sustainability goal, although not every fund that uses sustainable criteria qualifies for these labels. Because the way Global Equity invests doesn't exactly align with the definition used for these labels, this product doesn't have a UK Sustainable Investment label.

More information on sustainability labels, and a reminder of how Global Equity targets sustainable environmental outcomes, can be found in our sustainability disclosure document.

Find out about UK Sustainable Investment Labels on the Financial Conduct Authority website.