Have you been affected by the cost-of-living crisis?
We understand the impact the cost-of-living crisis and the money worries that come with it can have.
If you're struggling due to rises in prices or because of a loss of income caused by a relationship breakdown, unemployment or market conditions, please get in touch.
We know that these situations affect everyone differently and there are a number of ways we can help you, such as offering payment holidays or quicker access to funds. The more we know about what's happening, the better we can support you.

Helpful support groups and charities
(Just so you know, the links will open in a new window):

Struggling with debts?
StepChange provides free, confidential and expert debt advice.

For help with housing issues, debts, or family issues
Citizens Advice provides free confidential advice to help with legal, debt, consumer, housing and other issues.

For information on benefits, redundancy, and grants
Turn2us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially.
Need help clearing your debts, reducing spending and making the most of your income?
Call Money helper on 0800 138 7777
More ways we can help
Concerned you may be being financially abused?
Want to nominate someone else to manage your account for you?
Need support after a bereavement?
Experiencing health concerns?