Domestic abuse
Domestic abuse happens when someone has to change what they do because of the actions or behaviour of a current or ex-partner. It includes:
- physical or sexual abuse
- violent or threatening behaviour
- controlling or coercive behaviour
- financial abuse
- psychological, emotional or other abuse.

Where can I get help?
There’s a list of charities and groups offering free, confidential support and advice 24 hours a day on the government website. We've also listed some helplines below.
Financial abuse
Financial abuse can happen to anyone, whatever age or gender.
It's more common than you might think and can take many forms. For example, someone could be preventing you from earning or using your own money, taking out loans in your name or spending your money without your permission.
Whatever form it takes, we're here to help. We can send letters to a different trusted address of your choice or add extra security protection to your account or policy.
We'll work with you to find the best way to help. So please get in touch, using the information below, if someone is:
- Stopping you from working
- Intercepting or opening your mail
- Controlling your accounts
- Making you explain your spending
- Taking out credit cards or loans in your name
- Spending your money without telling you
- Taking money from your account without you knowing
Here are some charities and support groups that may be able to provide support
(Just so you know, the links will open in a new window):

The Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse
A partnership between Money Advice Plus and Surviving Economic Abuse.

Surviving Economic Abuse
The only UK charity dedicated to raising awareness of economic abuse and transforming responses to it.
Visit the site

You can call Refuge on 0808 2000 247or visit their website
If you are in immediate danger, call the police on 999.
If you can’t speak and are calling on a mobile, press 55 to have your call transferred to the police.
More ways we can help
Worried about money and the cost-of-living?
Want to nominate someone else to manage your account for you?
Experiencing health concerns?
Need support after a bereavement?