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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have a question that isn't covered here, take a look at our Help and Support section or log into your online account to send us a secure message.

Most asked

If you have one of the following products, you will be able to register for an online account:

Junior ISA and Child Trust fund  Register here
Over 50s Life Cover Register here.
Lifetime ISA and Stocks & Shares ISA 

Access to your online account will automatically be activated when your account is opened.

Log in here

Unfortunately, online accounts aren't yet available for some products, including Junior or Family Bonds.

If you need to get in touch, you can contact our friendly UK-based customer service team on 0344 8 920 920.

If you have a child trust fund held elsewhere you can transfer it into a OneFamily Child Trust Fund or into our Junior ISA. We won't charge you to do this but please check with your existing provider as they might charge a fee.

Transfer into a Junior ISA

Transfer into a Child Trust Fund

Junior ISA and Child Trust Fund customers:

Go to the log in page and select 'I've forgotten my password'.

You can also change your password once you've logged in within the 'Update your details' section.

Over 50s Life Cover

To receive a reminder of your username or reset your password, please use the links on the login page. Click here to go to the customer self service login page »

Lifetime ISA and Stocks and Shares ISA customers:

Go to the log in page and select 'I've forgotten my password'.

You can also change your password once you've logged in within the 'Update your details' section

Managing your payments

If you hold a Junior ISA, Child Trust Fund, Stocks and Shares ISA or Lifetime ISA with us, you can log into your online account to make one-off payments or to set up a Direct Debit.

You can also make payments into your own or someone else's account by clicking on the ‘Payments’ link at the top of the OneFamily website.

If you’d like to set up a regular payment into a product that’s in your name, please log into your online account and click on 'Set up a regular payment'.

If you’d like to pay into someone else's account, click on the ‘Payments’ link at the top of the OneFamily website.

You can amend an existing Direct Debit through your online account. However, if you don't have an online account because the Direct Debit is paying into someone else's account, for example a Junior ISA, please call us on 01273 062555.

If your product doesn't currently have an online account, please call us on 01273 062555 to make a payment.

Managing your account or policy

Our Family Bond and Junior Bond are no longer on sale.

If you started an application before 6 September 2024, please call us on 0344 8 920 920 to finish your application.

If you already have a Family Bond or Junior Bond, don't worry, existing contracts are still being managed by OneFamily. Visit our savings contracts page to find out more.

If you have one of the following products, you will be able to register for an online account:

Junior ISA and Child Trust fund  Register here
Over 50s Life Cover Register here.
Lifetime ISA and Stocks & Shares ISA 

Access to your online account will automatically be activated when your account is opened.

Log in here

Unfortunately, online accounts aren't yet available for some products, including Junior or Family Bonds.

If you need to get in touch, you can contact our friendly UK-based customer service team on 0344 8 920 920.

Junior ISA and Child Trust Fund customers:

Go to the log in page and select 'I've forgotten my password'.

You can also change your password once you've logged in within the 'Update your details' section.

Over 50s Life Cover

To receive a reminder of your username or reset your password, please use the links on the log in page. Click here to go to the customer self service login page »

Lifetime ISA and Stocks and Shares ISA customers:

Go to the log in page and select 'I've forgotten my password'.

You can also change your password once you've logged in within the 'Update your details' section

Sometimes we’ll ask you to send us some documents to confirm your identity, address or bank account. This is to make sure both your money and your personal details are kept safe.

You might be asked to send us documents if:

  • You’re making a withdrawal from any type of ISA or a Child Trust Fund
  • You’re making a claim on an Over 50s Life Cover policy
  • You’re looking to change the legal name on a Child Trust Fund or Junior ISA.

When we ask you to send us documents, you can choose to send either:

  • One document from list A, or
  • Two documents from list B.

All documents must show your name and your current address and be dated within the last 6 months.

We recommend that you send us copies of any documents, as we can’t guarantee that we’re able to return the originals back to you.

List A
Bank/Saving account statement HMRC Letter
Provisional Driving Licence Full Driving Licence
Utility Bill DWP Letter
Mobile phone bill Motor insurance
List B
Confirmation from work, school, university on headed paper confirming name address and details of employment / student / residential status Jobcentre plus letter
Hospital /doctor letter Tenancy agreement
UCAS letter

Send the copies of your documents to:

For Child Trust Fund maturity For any other reason
CTF Maturity Team
16-17 West Street

We'll let you know as soon as we've received all the documents we need and have updated our records. Please note, we don’t return any photocopies unless you ask us to.

We're happy to accept a document that isn't in English, but we will need to see a translation that’s been certified by a translation company. Photocopies of any translations must also be certified by the translation company.

If you have a child trust fund held elsewhere you can transfer it into a OneFamily Child Trust Fund or into our Junior ISA. We won't charge you to do this but please check with your existing provider as they might charge a fee.

Transfer into a Junior ISA

Transfer into a Child Trust Fund

If you have a junior ISA held elsewhere you can transfer it into a OneFamily Junior ISA.

Learn more about transferring into our Junior ISA.

You can transfer an ISA or a child trust fund that has matured (the owner has turned 18) into a OneFamily product, even if it's held with another provider currently.

Find our more about transferring:

There could be several reasons for an account not showing when you log in.

If the account is a Junior ISA or Child Trust Fund:

  • Once your child turns 16, they'll be able to register to become the registered contact. If they've done this, you won't be able to see the account.
  • When your child turns 18, ownership of the account automatically goes to them so it won't show in your online account anymore, even if they've not registered. They'll need to register for an online account themselves.

If the account is a Junior Bond, you won't be able to manage this online so it won't show.

If you think an account is missing after you log in and the above reasons don't apply, please contact us.

You'll receive statements from us at different times of the year depending on which product you have.

  • Junior and adult ISAs: We'll send you a statement by post four times a year. The first statement on the calendar year will include details of the annual costs and charges.
  • Lifetime ISA: A new statement will be sent to your online account four times a year. The frequency of these is based from the opening date of your account. Another document with your annual costs and charges will also be made available online each year.
  • Child Trust Funds: We’ll provide you with a statement just before your child turns 11 and 16 years old. We will also provide a statement if there have been any payments into the account in the previous statement year.
  • Junior Bond and Family Bonds: We'll send a statement once a year, just after the anniversary of the Bond's start date.
  • Unit Trusts: We’ll send you a statement twice a year in February and September.
  • Pensions, Endowments and other Investments: We’ll send you a statement each year.

In the meantime, if you require a statement please contact us.

If the account is in your name, you'll be able to register as our main contact once you turn 16. You don't need permission to do this from the person currently managing your account. Go to the registration page to get started.

If you're a parent or legal guardian and you're not currently the registered contact, you can take this over but you will need permission from whoever is currently managing the account.

If possible, the existing registered contact will need to call us on 0344 8 920 920* or write to us at:
FREEPOST OneFamily (this is the full address and you don't need to use a stamp) giving their permission for you to take over.

If this isn't possible, because of adoption, a court order or the absence or death of the current registered contact, call us on 0344 8 920 920*.

*Calls may be monitored and recorded for training purposes. Calls to 0344 numbers are charged at local rate and will normally be part of any inclusive minutes provided with phone packages, even when calling from a mobile. The actual cost will depend on your provider's tariff. For more information please contact your provider.

If you have a Lifetime ISA, Stocks and Shares ISA, Junior ISA or Child Trust Fund, you can log in or register for an online account to see how much your account is currently worth.

For all other product types, please contact us.

*ZEDRA is the new name for PTL and the PTL Governance Advisory Arrangement is now the ZEDRA Governance Advisory Arrangement

We have appointed ZEDRA to act as a governance advisory arrangement (GAA) for our personal pension scheme. Read the Terms of Reference for the GAA here.

ZEDRA is independent of OneFamily and acts solely in the interests of policyholders.

The role of the GAA and the opportunity for policyholders to make representations direct to the GAA has been communicated to you on your annual statutory money purchase illustration. You can find out more about the report here.

You can view the Chair’s previous full report here.

If you have any views that you wish to share with ZEDRA on your personal pension plan then you can contact them directly on:

Email: [email protected]

In writing to:
Secretary to the ZEDRA Governance Advisory Arrangement
ZEDRA Governance Limited
Merlin House
Brunel Road

Don't panic! Back in 2014, Family Investments and Engage Mutual merged to become OneFamily. So you might still see the name 'Engage Mutual' on your bank statement. Don't worry, this is still us!

Managing your personal details

If you’re changing a name on an account, please write to us at:

FREEPOST OneFamily (Please note, this is the full address)

For Child Trust Funds or Junior ISAs you can only change the child’s name if you’re the Registered Contact. If the child is over the age of 16 and has become the Registered Contact then only they have the authority to inform us.

For Junior Bonds, if the child is under 18, only the nominated parent or guardian can inform us of any change. If the child is over 18 then they can inform us themselves.

If you're changing a child's name, please include:

  • your child's full new name
  • your child's old name

If you're changing your name, please include:

  • your full new name and new signature
  • your old name and old signature

You'll also need to include the account number(s), as well as certified copies of identification showing the change of name. We need to see certified copies of identification when you send us details of the new name or we won't be able to process your request.

Each document should:

  • show a clear link between the new and old name
  • be certified by a responsible adult, not related to you, who confirms the copy is authentic.

On the Change of Name Form you'll find more information about what identification we accept and how to certify it. There are two types of forms. Please check which one is right for you:

Because we need to see certified documents to change the name, we can’t accept name change requests by phone, email or fax.

If a date of birth is shown incorrectly on an account, please write to us at:

FREEPOST OneFamily (Please note, this is the full address)

So we can process your request straight away, please make sure you include the account number and one of the following certified copies of documents showing the correct date:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • any other official document showing the correct date of birth.

The document you send us needs to be certified by someone you feel is responsible, over the age of 18, but not a family member. To do this, please copy the document and ask them to write the following on the front or the back of each page:

  • "I confirm that this is a true photocopy of the original document."
  • Their name
  • Their address and their telephone number
  • Their signature and the date

Please avoid sending original documents as we are unable to guarantee their safety in the post. All documents must be in English or accompanied by a translation. Photocopies of the translations must be certified by the translation company.

Please note: You can only change a child’s date of birth if they’re under 18 and you’re the Registered Contact on a Child Trust Fund or Junior ISA or the nominated parent or guardian on a Junior Bond. If the child is 18 or over they need to inform us of the change themselves.

If you have our Junior ISA, Global Investment Child Trust Fund, Ethical Child Trust fund (Policy numbers beginning with a C, K or J), our Lifetime ISA or our Over 50s Protection Plus life insurance policy, you can change your address in your online account.

For all other policy holders please contact us.

Outbound phone number

Yes. Although this number has been flagged as spam in some places, this is our real outbound phone number from (or directed through) our offices in Brighton.

Fund Information

Visit our fund information page to see regularly updated information about daily prices.

You can find out more about how the fund invests your money by visiting the main page for your product and downloading the "Fund Factsheet".

We currently operate one with profits fund, OneFamily (ELL) With Profits Fund (formerly
Ecclesiastical Life Limited). More information can be found here Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM)

The One Family (EM) With Profits Fund (Formerly Engage Mutual) reached its sunset clause
threshold and was converted to “Guaranteed Bonus business” in June 2023. There is more detail at
the bottom of this page.

There has been a small change to the way hedging is used in managing the fund, which reflects actual practice.

Returning lost assets

There’s an estimated £15 billion to £20 billion of savings lying unclaimed across a range of financial institutions in the UK.

OneFamily has been working hard to help connect customers or their beneficiaries with unclaimed money held by the society. So far we’ve been able to return over £3.1 million.

If you think you might have lost funds with OneFamily please fill in our Entitlement Enquiry Form.

Making a claim

To help make things easier during this time, you can notify us of a death by completing our online death notification form.

After you notify us of a death, we will send a claim form to be completed with a request for all required documents. Once we receive all the documents required with a completed claim form, we will send a cheque for the settlement within 48 hours.

If you buy an Over 50s Life Cover policy from us, please make sure you retain the policy documents in a safe place and let your next of kin know where to find them.

Changes to the OneFamily (EM) With Profits fund

Since the fund closed to new business in 2016, the number of investors in the fund has been reducing. When the fund was established there was a clause set that describes what happens when the number of members or value of the fund reach a certain level – this is called “the sunset clause”.

The sunset clause for this fund requires that all contracts be converted to “guaranteed Bonus business”. We have consulted with specialist external actuaries who have calculated what this means for each class of With Profit policy holder. A communication as to how that impacts each policy holder has been prepared and sent (mid - May '23). This allowed time for reflection before the changes were implemented in June 2023.

The sunset clause itself can be found on page 18 of the “Principles and Practices of Financial Management (EM)” document. To save you digging, this is what it says:

Once the Fund has been closed, the run-off of the business will be managed in a sound and prudent manner until the size of the Fund falls below a minimum threshold criterion. This minimum threshold criterion is reached when the total assets within the Fund fall below £25 million (as at 31 December 2003) increased each year in line with the change in Average Earnings Index, or if the number of contracts falls below 12,000, whichever occurs first.

At the point that the business falls below this threshold, or as soon as the Board deems to be appropriate thereafter, the policies then remaining will be converted to guaranteed bonus business on a fair and equitable basis.

In managing the With Profits business up to the point of such conversion, in determining bonus policy and in determining the terms of the conversion to guaranteed bonus business, the Board will take into account the reasonable interests of the various policyholders in the Fund, and any external capital support that may have been provided to the Fund.

The number of policy holders within the With Profits fund has dropped below the number needed to trigger the sunset clause mentioned above.

The outcome for each customer varied dependent on the type of contract they have, how long they have had it, how much of their "share" in the with profits fund was already represented in their current value. The letter sent to contract holders explained how it applied to them and a statement of benefits showing how benefits change over time in the future was also included.

What has changed?

The original terms and conditions of the Easy Save and Vision contracts gave the policy holder the opportunity to decide to extend their premium payment term when they reached the end of their current payment period.

As part of the of the conversion programme, this option has been removed.

Why was the option being removed?

Firstly, this is not an option that is widely used by With Profit holders, but if the option were retained, provision would need to be made for all those that could take it up, to do so if they chose.

Because we don’t know in advance who will take up the option, it introduces uncertainty into the calculations of how much of the unallocated value can be shared out.

This uncertainty therefore needs to be reserved for (money is held back), so that benefits could be paid on the new premiums if someone chose to extend. The result of that reserving is to reduce the amount of unallocated value that is available for distribution to all With Profit policy holders

How was the decision made?

Only a subset of With Profit customers would benefit from retaining the option to extend, and even then, a large number would not take the option up. Whereas all members benefit from the distribution of unallocated value.  So it was concluded that it would be a fairer and more valuable outcome for the With Profit policy holder group in total that the option be removed so that bigger uplifts and/or bonus rates could be applied where appropriate.

These are an older style of contract that has not been transitioned to online servicing yet. Online self service is coming for these contracts in the next few years (for those that want it), but for the time being we need to use the more traditional approach.