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Accessibility and Technical Help

At OneFamily, we want to make sure that, as a visitor to our website, it's easy for you to find your way around, access information you need, and get the full advantages of all our online services and functionality. So we've added a few tips to help you get the most out of our site.

Operating Systems and Browsers

Our website is best viewed using the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer. The site has been optimised to respond to the browser and screen size you are using, tailoring the experience to your choice of device.

You can download and install these browsers for free by clicking one of the links below. If you have any technical problems downloading a browser, we recommend you contact your internet provider, or the company who provide the browser.

OneFamily cannot be held responsible for issues that arise from downloading external software.

Changing your desktop browser settings

If you are having problems using our website, it may help to change some of the browser settings relating to how the site is displayed.

Settings are usually accessed via an icon in the top right hand corner of your browser, if you're on a desktop or laptop computer, and are usually illustrated with a cog or three horizontal lines (a 'burger' menu).

For information about reading PDF documents with a screen reader, please refer to the Access Adobe website.

Downloading PDFs

To view the PDF documents on our website you may need to download Adobe Acrobat. The program is free and can be downloaded by visiting the Adobe website.


Our site uses JavaScript for security reasons and non-critical functionality. We recommend that you enable JavaScript before accessing the site.


For more information about how our website uses cookies, please visit the Cookie Policy page.

Any Issues or Questions?

If you have any difficulty when using our website, or would like to share any comments or feedback, please get in touch.