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What is OneFamily doing to protect the environment?

At OneFamily, we are committed to lowering our carbon output.

As well as giving our Stocks and Shares ISA and Lifetime ISA customers the option to invest in a climate-focused fund, we take steps to reduce the impact our offices have on the environment, including by:

  • Providing recycling points on all floors
  • Using motion-sensor lighting throughout the Brighton office
  • Creating a "No waste goes to landfill" policy in our Brighton office, which we’re aiming to roll out to our other sites where possible
  • Complying with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme, where we follow the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) policy to measure our carbon footprint and look at ways to reduce or offset it
  • Replacing our existing boiler and chiller system with a more modern energy-efficient system (ongoing)

If you'd like to help us reduce our carbon footprint by switching off paper statements and letters from us, please log into your online account and send us a secure message.

You can find out more about our work towards reducing our impact on the environment in our annual Inspiring Better Futures report.

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